
Medicalgorithmics has extensive experience in developing complex algorithms for the analysis of physiological signals, such as electrocardiograms (ECGs), as well as cardiac images.

These algorithms are intended for both autonomous and semi-autonomous analysis of vital sign signals, cardiac images, echocardiograms, and can provide a range of measurements and calculations related to physiologic and pathologic cardiac function. These algorithms have been validated in numerous clinical studies and are used in Medicalgorithmics’ own product line as well as licensed to other companies for use in their products.


Medicalgorithmics has extensive experience in developing AI technology for medical applications.

We have been pioneers in this field, and DRAI (DeepRhythmAI) is a testament to our expertise in AI development for medical applications. In terms of competitors, there are very few AI algorithms for ECG analysis that have received FDA clearance. This makes DRAI a unique and groundbreaking technology that can help transform the healthcare industry.

Medicalgorithmics has been continuously developing DRAI to remain at the forefront of heart rhythm analysis technology, and we are committed to adhering to the FDA guidelines for AIML-enabled medical devices. As part of our commitment to the healthcare industry, we have contributed a complete set of over 9 million reference beat and rhythm annotations for the PhysioNet Long-Term AF Database.

Medical technology leader

AI/LM algorithms

Research is being conducted on new algorithms for automatic analysis of ECG and CT data.

Medical software

The company offers and constantly improves software that is used in monitoring centers and hospitals for ECG analysis.

Cloud platforms

Work is currently underway on a platform for analyzing ECG data and a platform for analyzing CT data.

Monitoring equipment

The company has proprietary PocketECG and QPatch devices. Scheduling is added multi-channel patch and new integrations with third-party devices.

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This is a medical device. Use it according to the instruction manual or label. The manufacturer and entity advertising is Medicalgorithmics S.A.

The software allows for the viewing of ECG signals and accelerations along with annotations, as well as the creation of reports summarizing the results of the recording session.

See also



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Administratorem danych jest Medicalgorithmics S.A. z siedzibą w Warszawie (02-001) przy Jerozolimskie 81. Dane będą przetwarzane w celu udzielenia odpowiedzi na wysłane zapytanie (podstawa prawna: uzasadniony interes administratora), marketing (podstawa prawna: uzasadniony interes administratora). Pełny tekst klauzuli można znaleźć na stronie Polityki Prywatności.


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The data administrator is Medicalgorithmics S.A. with its registered office in Warsaw (02-001) at Al. Jerozolimskie 81. The data will be processed in order to answer the query sent (legal basis: legitimate interest of the administrator), marketing (legal basis: legitimate interest of the administrator). The full text of the clause can be found on the Privacy Policy page.


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The data administrator is Medicalgorithmics S.A. with its registered office in Warsaw (02-001) at Al. Jerozolimskie 81. The data will be processed in order to answer the query sent (legal basis: legitimate interest of the administrator), marketing (legal basis: legitimate interest of the administrator). The full text of the clause can be found on the Privacy Policy page.

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