Correction to Current Report No 24/2017 on the appointment of a new Medicalgorithmics S.A. Management Board Member
The Management Board of Medicalgorithmics S.A. with its registered office in Warsaw (“Company”, “Issuer”) hereby announces that it mistakenly stated in current report No 24/2017 of 7 September 2017 that the professional resume of the new Management Board Member, Mr Maksymilian Sztandera, was attached to the report, whereas the Company made the resume available only on its website.
In connection with the foregoing, the following sentence is removed from current report No 24/2017: “The professional resume of the new Management Board Member is attached to this report.” Below is the new wording of the current report:
“The Management Board of Medicalgorithmics S.A. with its registered office in Warsaw (“Company”, “Issuer”) hereby announces that on 7 September 2017, the Company’s Supervisory Board adopted a resolution on appointing a new Member of the Company’s Management Board, Mr Maksymilian Sztandera.
Mr Maksymilian Sztandera is a graduate of the Faculty of Economics at the University of Economics in Poznań and a qualified statutory auditor, entry number 13074. He became the Company’s Deputy Chief Financial Officer in September 2014 and has been its Chief Financial Officer since August 2015. He previously worked for KPMG, AIG/Lincoln, Novum and VGD.
In accordance with the submitted declaration, Mr Maksymilian Sztandera is not engaged in any professional activity which might compete with the Company’s operations, and does not participate in a competing entity as a partner in a civil-law or private partnership or member of a corporate body of a competing company or member of a body of any other competing legal entity and is not entered in the Register of Insolvent Debtors kept pursuant to the Act of 20 August 1997 on the National Court Register.
Moreover, the Management Board of the Company reports that in accordance with Chapter II(1)(2) of the Best Practice for WSE Listed Companies, it has published a professional resume of the newly appointed Management Board Member on the Company’s website.
Detailed legal basis:
Clause 5(1)(21) and Clause 28 of the Regulation of the Minister of Finance dated 19 February 2009 on current and periodic information to be published by issuers of securities and conditions for recognition as equivalent of information whose disclosure is required under the laws of a non-member state (Journal of Laws of 2014, item 133, as amended).”